complete short discussions due strayer



3D Television

click here for information on the 3D TV

Tablet/PC combo

click here for information on the tablet/pc combo

Laptop computer

click here for information on the laptop

Desktop computer

click here for information on the desktop

Choose one of the products listed above and review the information on it. Then assume you are the brand manager for that product and the Senior Vice President for Operations asks you the following questions?

  1. What phase of the Product Life Cycle is this item in and how do you know this?
  2. What can we expect to happen in the next few years regarding sales for this item?
  3. What type of consumer does this product appeal to and why?


The organization you work for just announced they are terminating 20 people due to budget cuts. You find out that one of those people is your coworker Kathy, whom you have had lunch with every week for 10 years straight. She comes to you to share how she’s feeling. Think about what you’ve read about active listening in your webtext this week. Would you be a good listener in this situation? Why or why not? Do you ever find yourself becoming distracted while listening? What could you do to practice active listening, in order to respond to Kathy appropriately?


Have you ever read something that you suspected was fake news? In this week’s reading you will learn about strategies for determining if a source is credible. One of those strategies is the CRAAP Test.

  • Currency: Is the information up to date?
  • Relevance: Is the information relevant to your research needs?
  • Authority: Who is the source of the information?
  • Accuracy: How reliable and truthful is the information? Can the information be verified?
  • Purpose: Why does the information exist?

How can the CRAAP Test help you when you look at news and articles in the future?

At a minimum, please respond in a paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences to fully address this question.


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